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Old Sun Feb 20, 2011, 10:22pm
grunewar grunewar is offline
9/11 - Never Forget
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VATerp - I guess we work in similar circles - and although my experience is similar to yours, it's not quite as bad. I'm finding as the season winds down towards playoffs and league championships, I see the competitive juices flow a bit more and attitudes certainly change.

This yr I issued 5 T's so far all season......all Rec Ball. Not one in any of my HS games.

As one of the more senior officials in both Rec Leagues I don't take any crap. One thing I do however, is send an email to the Commissioners and my Assignors after all of my games - good or bad. I praise where it belongs and bring up issues as they develop. I am happy to say, they back me 100% and any discipline problems are dealt with swiftly - suspensions.

It is my experience, unfortunately, that many Rec Officials here are not "seasoned" and don't take care of business. They call loose games and let the players and coaches get away with too much. Therefore, when we show up, call a tight game they're not used to and don't put up with their shenanigans, we're the bad guy. Thankfully however, it's late in the season and they know they can't push me. If these kids received their just deserts, maybe, just maybe, they'd clean up their acts a bit.

Then again, some people never learn......and then, some become coaches!
There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.

Last edited by grunewar; Sun Feb 20, 2011 at 10:26pm. Reason: spelling
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