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Old Sun Feb 20, 2011, 09:35pm
tiger49 tiger49 is offline
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Originally Posted by soundedlikeastrike View Post
SLAS: Dang another disconnect. Live/dead is never dependent of anything on a foul ball, a foul ball by definition and rule is always "dead". Hence why it " a foul ball" can never be caught.

A fly ball over foul territory with a defender under it is neither fair nor foul. The fact that if it were to fall or be touched while over foul territory would make it foul, it is not until, after that "something" happens. If the ball is caught over foul territory it's still in play, why, because it did not become a foul ball.
5.09 The ball becomes dead and runners advance one base, or return to their bases, without liability to be put out, when—

e) A foul ball is not caught, in which case runners return to their bases. The umpire-inchief shall not put the ball in play until all runners have retouched their bases;

Live/dead is always dependent on one thing on a foul ball. Wither it was caught or uncaught. Uncaught, ball is dead. Caught the ball remains live.

The rulebook is meant to be read, not for you to just look at the nice little diagrams.
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