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Old Mon Feb 14, 2011, 12:26pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by ThatOneRef View Post
Seems like you guys are just getting OLD, maybe let these YOUNG refs in that can "RUN" or be "mentally" able to handle a 2 man game. (not that hard....) I don't see any reason to have 3 officials. If the TWO officials are "on the same page" (so to speak) then they should be MORE than adequate.
You're clearly an idiot, but I'll humor you anyway. It has nothing to do with my physical condition or my age or my mental state. It has to do with the angles I get and the stuff we simply can't see because 4 eyes can't watch all four corners of the court at the same time.

It has to do with providing the best possible product. There's no way in God's green earth that you can do as good a job 2-person with any partner than I can do with 2 experienced 3-person officials. It just isn't possible.
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