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Old Mon Feb 14, 2011, 12:18pm
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Originally Posted by DesMoines View Post
I get really sick of hearing about ADs and Boards trying to make a financial argument for cutting back on the number of officials on games.

As has been well documented in the last month (Louisiana thread, among others), pay rates vary. But the overall difference in a school or athletic budget between 2 and 3 officials for HS Varsity contests over the course of the season is negligible.

Assuming they don't raise the game fee, the total savings might (MIGHT) be $1,000 for 11 V double headers over the season -- that's in Iowa, if you're working at a school district that pays well. But if you're taking away the 3rd set of eyes, you darn well better be paying the other two people more or you're not going to get people who want to do it. The bottom line savings will end up being $500 or less... and you're gonna get exactly what you pay for.

Sorry for the rant, I just hate the bean counter argument.

Who posted the quote, "I don't do this for the money, but I wouldn't do it for free either..." ??? Love that.

Double that unless the schools are only fielding one varsity basketball team.
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