Originally Posted by Rich Ives
I really have a hard time picturing this. He's headed toward first and you consider the choice of path as intent to interfere? I'm wondering if you were unaware of the OBR comment and are now in yeahbut mode.
No, Rich, I'm not in Yeah-but mode. I was trying to come up with something as intentional that would be visible on the internet. Might have been a bad choice. Picture something that you can as intentional and use that. I didn't intend (sorry) to debate intent. You can debate that all night, and all day tomorrow and...
Do you have an answer to the situation or not? I've been around internet umpring long enough to avoid the yeah but...plus we have enough of that in the caught 3K foul bunt attempt thread.
If it makes you sleep better tonight, my initial response when I was asked this question was that we have nothing, BR has a right to run, F2 has a right to field the ball. So yeah, I know the stinking rule. Then the original question was changed to "ok BR intentionally interfers..." and I have answered it. I am posing the question here because there are some that are helpful. You are usually one of those. I'm not sure what stuck in your craw this time.
My problem is that the person asking, had an answer, much as I do. However, when I answered with the same response that bob has given me (thank you, bob) he said that was wrong. I have yet to be able to find proof to defend his answer. Again, so I post here to see if anyone gives me that answer. I'll enlighten everyone to that response later. For now, I'm curious as to what Rich and a few others have to say about the sitch - other than wth is intent.