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Old Sun Feb 06, 2011, 08:41pm
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Originally Posted by Judtech View Post
I will agree with you that is a point that can be debated. And to be honest I am about 50-50 on it. Do you fill in when others fail to do what they are contracted to do? Or do you just let both parties sink or swim? I can see both sides of that argument. 1) We will fill in for the "good of the game" or 2) I am only doing what I am contractually obligated to do and no more. IMO, either way is fine b/c the rubber doesn't hit the road until the new contract and/or the next season.
It's one thing to fill in for a neighboring association when they simply get overwhelmed with games. But that's not what happened here. This is one group essentially telling the schools not to worry about this little dispute because they'll step up and fill in the gap.
Again, if they actually get a raise, it'll be in spite of the sh1tty behavior of jar's association. If they don't get a raise, it'll be largely because of the guys who didn't think it was important enough to take a small risk.
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