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Old Thu Feb 03, 2011, 06:00pm
26 Year Gap 26 Year Gap is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
Know what I found unbelievable? The direct quote on a possible pay raise from Kenneth Henderson, the LHSSAA rep... "Every game we miss, your chances go down." That's nothing but a direct intimidation tactic imo. And why not? They've been getting away with it for at least the last 17 years.

Time for the LA guys to throw the tea in the harbor.
I know that in VT, there were some concessions given by the officials that were temporary. The VPA, which governs interscholastic sports there, has been true to its word. Officials only charged one way mileage and there were 2 game fees split 3 ways on the V games. Those inequities were worked out, as game fees were no longer split and mileage was round trip, though car pooling was strongly encouraged.

Rates were a lot less than in NY & NH, and some officials started working more out of state games as a result if they lived near the border. [All IAABO areas]. Over time, subvarsity was increased from $30 to $45 plus 40.5 cents per mile in $5 increments. Varsity contests went from $50 to $55 to $65 to $75 with the same mileage allowance. There has been talk off and on about a flat travel fee so schools would not be shocked by mileage bills, but nothing has occurred in that area. And schools have 3 man crews on a set number of games based on classification for boys and girls. Schools at their discretion may have more if they pay for the third official.

All in all, it has worked pretty well. The officials gave to help out and the VPA kept their word about two way mileage & increased game fees.

Only one association in VT so there was no line crossing to be done. Two assignment areas.

Sounds pretty bad in LA by way of comparison. And hopefully, someone who can present a good logical position regarding inflation, expenses like uniforms, clinics, dues, gas, etc. can draw some parallels with some what ifs. Principal salaries 21 years ago were x. Now they are y. What if they were x again? But it will take a united front to accomplish anything.
Never hit a piņata if you see hornets flying out of it.
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