Originally Posted by tref
I understand that fact, Rich. Just my feelings on the L rotating in the 2 person game. Thank God I dont have to do too many of those, because I'm not going or calling across the paint! The T better step down & stay connected!
It's not that simple, IMO. There are fouls deep on the trail's side where the T just has a horrible look -- for example a drive on the endline where the foul occurs from the backside (between the shooter and the endline).
The lead simply has to pick up play across the lane in 2-person or the T is going to have to do a lot of guessing. Neither is ideal, but the L is in better position to make a lot of those calls/no-calls on shooting fouls near the endline.
I'm an active trail (at least I think so) and I'm thrilled when a lead picks up some of those.