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Old Thu Feb 03, 2011, 09:21am
Judtech Judtech is offline
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JURASSIC - I think you are making an invalid assumption about "vultures". You are assuming that there will ALWAYS be enough 'vultures' for the games to officiate. I don't see this as the case, and if it IS the case, then the rate the LHSAA pays is in line with what the market will bare.
IMO, the more likely scenario is that when the time comes to sign a new deal, there are more likely to be people such as JAR who remember the broken promises of the LHSAA and think the wage is too low and act in unison to resolve the problem..
Cameron's point is 100% spot on. We are "selling" our services just like a mechanic, lawyer, fruit picker etc. If someone is willing to do the same job at the same quality then they should get the contract. Now throw in some competition, then we have the true "American Dream". If the JAR Officiating Assocition charges $65/game and has seasoned quality officials, and the Bayou Officiating Association charges $35/game but has less quality, then the buyer has a choice. (I know this is not hte case in LA) Officiating is a business and sometimes business IS cutthroat. And sometimes labor needs to organize. Thus the beauty of the American system!!
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