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Old Wed Feb 02, 2011, 03:35pm
ref2coach ref2coach is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
And as I read it, the officials were promised bi-yearly pay raises back in 2007 and none of those were ever implemented. Apparently the principals aren't too fond of following through on their promises also.

Jar, if you think $36/game is a fair high school rate, hey, work your tail off. And if your association wants to say t'hell with all the other associations that are trying to make things better for all officials in the state, then hey, all of them can work their damn tails off too working the games that the other officials are refusing to work. Me? I don't do business that way.

There's a reason that officials are only getting $36/game in your state. And imo your association is part of that reason. I can understand you having to do what your association tells you to do. I can't understand your association's stance though.

Kind of hard to be expected to honor a contract with a entity that has proven to you that they do not intend to honor their part of the contract. Me? I do not do business that way, past the one time it takes me to see the other party has no honor.
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