I was at slot when this whole situation began right behind me. They basically gave the guy 2 options, either move to the section where his fans were sitting or leave the gym. He kept saying that he wasn't moving to the other section and that he wanted to stay there. That is when the ball went to the other half of the court, so I'm not sure exactly what was said, but by the time we were coming back he was being escorted out of the gym. As they were getting him out, he started flailing his arms and started punching the cops.
I'm not exactly sure why he started to fight them, but obviously he wasn't very happy about something. As far as I could tell the police/security was being respectful, but very straightforward with him. He was not being cooperative from the beginning.
I have never been in a situation like this before so it definatly threw me off guard, but did my best to stay calm and get the teams back to the benches (you can see me in the background getting them back during the video). It was a crazy game, that's for sure.