Originally Posted by UmpTTS43
This is a question from the NCAA test. The NCAA OBS rule is now the same as OBR. Let me know what you think and why. I believe there is no correct answer.
R1, R3, no outs. R1 is stealing and gets caught in a rundown and is obstructed. After obstruction has been called on F4, R3 is thrown out at the plate.
a. R1 is returned to first base and R3 is awarded home.
b. Award R1 third base on the obstruction.
c. R3 is awarded home since he was advancing to the plate when obstruction was called and R1 is awarded second base.
d. The out on R3 stands
No idea if I was right or wrong, but I answered C.
I assumed it was type 1 obs, but either way you make awards that in your judgement, nullify the act of obs. For me that was R1 getting his entitled 1 base and R3, getting home. The question does not paint a clear enough picture either way.