Thread: Bump and Run
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Old Sun Jan 30, 2011, 02:03pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Let me clean up my statements...they were a bit incomplete...

If you're going by the book...

NON-TURNOVER (new/old trail takes all BC throw-ins and trail's FC sideline, remains trail)
  • If the violation occurs in the old FC on the old lead's sideline, the old lead takes it.
  • If the violation occurs in the old BC on the old lead's sideline, the old trail takes it.
  • If the violation occurs in the old FC on the old trail's sideline, the old trail takes it.
  • If the violation occurs in the old BC on the old trail's sideline, the old trail takes it.

TURNOVER (old-lead/new-trail takes all throw-ins in the new backcourt and all throw-ins on their sideline)
  • If the violation occurs in the old FC on the old lead's sideline, the old lead takes it.
  • If the violation occurs in the old BC on the old lead's sideline, the old lead takes it.
  • If the violation occurs in the old FC on the old trail's sideline, the old lead takes it. (bump/run)
  • If the violation occurs in the old BC on the old trail's sideline, the old trail takes it. (lead goes coast to coast....switch just like a violation in the new frontcourt on the lead's sideline above the FT line)
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