Originally Posted by RichMSN
It would cost $1320 here -- 22 home games (11 boys, 11 girls at $60 per official). If they cut the pay back to $50 per official 3-person, it would cost them only $660 more per season.
They could raise their admission costs by 25¢ and pay for the third official. Or raise the price of a coke or popcorn by 25¢. But they'd rather take that and buy new uniforms, new basketballs, etc. and then cry poverty.
Of course all the schools had the $60 a week to pay for a back judge in football about 10 years ago and also find money for a fifth official in a lot of the subvarsity football we work.
In most areas, there are two sports that bring in revenue--football and boys basketball--that exceeds the cost. That should be taken into consideration. But, it often isn't.