Wow, seems like a no brainer to those who want to go to work in the minors should go to this school. Even if it costs more money. Why don't the other schools tell a candidate that they might be too young for the pros and to come back to camp again? Seems like somewhat of a bait and switch...question to those to know more about this than I do...will PBUC actually take an 18 yr old if they're one of the top students? Or will they make them come back when they're older, spend another $3,000+ only to say...sorry, better luck next time. If an 18,19 yr old has no chance to make it to PBUC, they should state that in their ads to wait until they older before coming to umpire school if their goal is to work MLB. Or is it truly all about the money? I don't know the answer.
It's like Deja Vu all over again