Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer
Jud, I don't really get the point of this thread.
You come to an officiating forum and post the actions of the coach we all hate and loathe. And better yet we find out that YOU did all this...someone who calls himself an official. And to top it all off, it also sounds like you've tried to justify some of your actions, even if you've admitted you were somewhat wrong.
You obviously know that you would receive almost zero support for what you did and get just about universally ripped.
Then let me clarify: My actions were wrong, not somewhat wrong. If you read into it that I was trying to justify those actions then it is only due to my poor typing/communication skill.
Why did I post it? Share experiences. I have no issue in admitting when I did something wrong. Believe it or not this is out of 'character" for me and I usually try to go the extra mile when on the bench. I obviously failed in this attempt and have actually gotten a few good ideas to put into my quiver in the future, both here on the board and some rather nice Private Messages and I am grateful for them and open for any more!
Learning by shared experience, what message boards were made for!