Originally Posted by RookieDude
You are preaching to the Chior Woddy...and if this idiot thought he could find forgiveness in this Church...he came into the wrong sanctuary.
If I was Judtech...I would change my name and start all over again. I, for one, will always see this jerk as a classless, loudmouth, ASSISTANT COACH...that EVEN tried to justify his actions to a REAL group of officials.
Didn't John Wooden say:
"Your REPUTATION is how others PERCEIVE you...your CHARACTER is what you REALLY are."
P.S. Did this guy's wife really use Profanity as the Coach of a bunch of girls? What great role models these two are. 
Your quote is spot on. Your PS is a tad off. (Dont take this as accusatory, these are just 'big picture" questions intended to make people think. I use the word "you" in its plural sense):
How do you judge ones character? Would anyone like to have their character called into question b/c of one incident/mistake? People are far to eager to rush to judgement, make personal attacks and impune character of people they either don't know or limited if any information about. To use your words. You call me a jerk and classless loudmouth assistant coach. How do you know that? Of the 150+ games my wife and I have coached together, do you know how many incidents like this I have had? That answer would be a better judge of character then this one thread. Do you know how my association feels about my bench behavior? Have you seen my interaction with other officials at games
I coach or not? What disqualifies me as a "Real" official in your mind? These admitted inappropriate actions? Or do you know my body of work with which to make this decision?
You make a point about my wifes use of language. Do you know how often she swears? (at me doesn't count, b/c sometimes it is too cold to take out the garbage) Yet you write her off as a bad role model for female athletes. Do you do the same for Pat Summit C Vivian Stringer Geno or Tara Van DeVeer? Do you know her background? Do you know the types of players that we work with?
Maybe I just live in Mambi Pambi land, but I don't pass character judgement on anyone on this board (even Jurassic) b/c I don't know you personaly. I look at the mistakes people bring to this board as just that, mistakes, not windows into their soul and character. Do we judge all peoples character by actions they wish they hand't commited?