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Old Sat Feb 01, 2003, 10:35pm
Mike Burns Mike Burns is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 237
Originally posted by Woodee
Do we have to give a delay of game warning?

Here are 2 things these teams do:

1. While shooting the first of two FTs, A1 misses the first shot and B-5 grabs the ball and what I thought looked liked he was drying the ball on his shirt he goes down and rubs the ball on his private part. What would you do? This probably deserves a T. I was caught off guard.

2. B-1 is called for a foul, when I ask A-1 for the ball, to show his resentment or I don't like you Ref side, he immediately lets the ball go and roll on the floor. (?)

I'm sure you guys are thinking get away from that type (Intramural) of ball.
Well I can see how #1 would catch you off guard. I would issue a delay of game warning, next time they delay by preventing the ball from being made live promptly or from being put in play, it's a tech.

#2 is a tech every time for me. First of all by rule, failure by the player in control, to immediately pass the ball to the nearer official is a technical foul. More to the point, I will not allow a player to "show up" my partners or me in this manner. You asked for the ball and he lets the ball go and roll on the floor to show his resentment, or I don't like you Ref side...WHACK!

IMHO, this is not controlling the OUTCOME of the game, it is controlling the game.
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