Originally Posted by rockyroad
That is the best lesson for everyone to learn from this situation.
My comment about "involving the players in the a$$-ness" was directed at the whole "stand at the 3-point line"...you knew the officials were wrong, but you wanted to show them up. And to do so, you involved your players - they were told by one authority figure to do one thing, and then by another authority figure to do something contradictory. To me - as a teacher, father, coach, and official - that is deplorable. You "used" your players to prove a point. That violates the trust they - and their parents - place in you as a coach.
So I would hope that you not only made your point above about being right, but also apologized for putting them in a situation they should not have been in.
Off my soap box now.
Great soap box to be on. I see where you are coming from in your post now. If I may, I would LOVE to share an exchange our team had, I will try (and fail) to make it brief. We only have 3 rules on our team, one of which is "Control what you can control" During our practice meeting one of the players said "Yeah coach you violated Rule #2. Like you always say, you can't control what the official does, but you can control how you respond to it. SO since you broke a rule we have to bench you!" Then it occured to them that since I already am on the bench it wasn't that big a deal, so they thought I should run!!!

I told them that since THEY followed rule #2 and I didn't I would give them a 5 Sprint credit they could use any time in practice!!! Kids, just when you think they don't pay attention!