Wed Jan 26, 2011, 11:10am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,842
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
In one of the "competitive" kids rec leagues I work, we get paid by the home team during halftime. Last night, my partner gives the home coach a T in the first quarter. I told him he would have to suffer for that by being the one who asks the home coach for our pay during the half. His eyes grew really big and he said, "Oh no - what was I thinking?"
I got him off the hook by being the one to ask. The coach just nodded towards the bleachers and said, "It's over there". He was pretty snotty about it. I went over to a woman who seemed to be the team mom and said the coach sent me over to her to get our pay. This is actually pretty common in this league. It's usually a parent who handles the pay. She got out our envelopes, handed them to me and said, "Was he nasty to you when you asked?" I nodded and she said, "Don't take it personally. He's always like that. I should know. I'm his wife." I said, "Sorry?", like I didn't hear her. She repeated, "I said I'm his wife". I replied, "Oh I heard you. I'm just sorry." She cracked up.
Henny Padgett, here all week folks.