Originally Posted by stir22
i don't know how to handle the ***'t coaches. twice this year they have been yapping at me. do you guys even respond to them, or just tell the head coach to control his bench? a guy in our pool told me to never give a t to an ***'t coach...that it is always a t, indirect to the head coach, which counts towards ejection. any advice would be appreciated.
First, let's get this out of the way. The guy in your pool is an idiot.
As for the asst. coach, unless everyone in the gym hears him being an a$$, I usually give the coach an opportunity to take care of his asst. If he doesn't, I'll take care of him the next time he opens his yap.
I've stuck one asst. this year. Two players were going for the ball and her girl went down hard. Contact was incidental, no foul. She jumped off the bench and yelled for a foul. Easy WHACK!
In any case, handle it. Do not let an asst. run his mouth at you.