Love your neighbor, love the GAME.
The neighborhood I grew up in was like "Hands-across-America". We had 2 Black kids, 2 White kids, and 1 Japanese-Hawaiian. We went to each other's 3rd Birthday parties and attended school together all the way through 12th grade.
We played ball in our dead-end street, be it football, baseball, basketball we were happy to be outside. (Don't see this activity from kids much anymore).
Anyway to get to the butt-feathers here...
We would often rotate our match-ups while playing basketball, weather permitting, we would play "Shirts-vs-Skins". Often it would be the 2 Black kids on one team -vs- the 2 White kids on the other... yet we would still play shirts and skins! We just didn't think about it, hey if that kids a different color than you don't pass him the ball. Duh.