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Old Mon Jan 24, 2011, 04:22pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by jdw3018 View Post
I don't know if there's rules support one way or the other, but if I'm sending them to their benches during any sort of stoppage of play, I'm letting them treat it as a timeout.

And almost never am a penalizing a player for grabbing a drink.
Let them sit. Let them drink. Let them be merry.

If there is a player down and not actually getting up, I'll direct the players to the bench and they can do whatever they wish once there...sit, stand, roll on the floor. There are no rules that directly address what the players can or can not do when the game is stopped due to an injury.

We also have no idea how long it will be until the player gets up or is carried off the floor. If the time span is unusually long, I'm even going to offer each team a chance to "warm up" again for a few minutes.
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