I'm on the side of the faceless player officials. I used to have a partner who knew exactly who the best players were and how many fouls they had. I didn't agree then and don't agree now. If you think it is a foul how can you decide in a split second whether it is a good foul or not. Most fouls kids commit aren't good fouls. But how can you not call a foul just because the best player might foul out? Is this fair to the other team that you might have called it if he only had two fouls? I had a game last night where the visiting team's best player got three well deserved fouls in the first quarter. He sat most of the rest of the first half. First possession of the third quarter the home team was playing man to man defense and a V player was running along the endline. The H defender was in pursuit. V2 (the best player with three fouls) steps into H1 actually hip-checking (a term from my hockey playing days!) him out of bounds. The contact was on his leg and hip, impossible to be construed as a legal screen. The coach said it was a horrible call. In my mind if I would have let that go, we would have been in for a very long night. It was already a 30 point game at that point.