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Old Fri Jan 21, 2011, 10:09am
Smitty Smitty is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
A suggestion for editorial revision: When play is resumed and the clock shows .3 or less, when any player gains control, the period shall be over.

As written now, consider the following, if you want to split hairs.

A1 throws in to A2, who quickly catches and lobs toward the basket. A3 tips in in, clearly before the buzzer.

I think we would agree that the intent is that it should not, but........
I'm not sure how that would really clarify anything that isn't already clear. I don't think anyone is arguing that a catch and shoot (or lob in your example) is not possible with .3 or less. It's the number of taps that is in question that can be possible in .3 or less. I'm not sure it's easily analyzed or possible to say without a doubt what can happen in that amount of time. You kind of just have to hope the clock starts on time and determine if the last tap occurred prior to the horn sounding. That's why we get paid the big bucks...
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