Thread: butt ball
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Old Thu Jan 20, 2011, 11:05pm
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Originally Posted by johnsonboys03 View Post
even tho it looked bad I would say it is no more than a jump stop. Even if he jumps and lands on two feet its not a violation. Lands on both feet he just can't use a pivot. If he landed one foot then the other the first to hit the floor is the pivot. It sounds like an ugly play that the fans would scream about if you didn't call it but it wasn't anything more than an ugly legal play. But then again had to see it to really know.
Assuming he gathered the ball in the air, the part in red is wrong.

The only time he can't use a pivot is if he has to land on both feet. If he's allowed to land one foot at a time, but instead lands on both feet, then either foot may be the pivot.
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