Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by Dan_ref
I can't believe what I'm reading.
- If A1 is not injured he must shoot the FT's.
- How could you let an obviously emotional player (mentally injured?) go unescorted to the locker room. Forget about any lawsuit that might be coming your way. Think about the potential damage to school property, let alone himself, that might result.
Aw, it ain't that bad.
I know, I just had a passing urge for the melodramatic
Was he unescorted? I missed that somewhere. No, I think we absolutely need someone with him. (That's a great place for most Assistant coaches, just sit in there an wait for a player to enter.)
hmmm, looking back it seems like many of us took "sent off" to mean "sent off unescorted" to the locker room. And just like in real life once a story has "evolved" it's own truth we just gotta accept it.
What if the Coach came to you and said, "That kid has just been suspended from the team, ...by me and my Athletic Director."
"Good idea coach, the suspension will start as soon as his FT's & any subsequent live ball activity is completed."