Thread: Foul Pole Color
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Old Wed Jan 19, 2011, 10:18am
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by SBBlue View Post
I received a call from a coach, who had a parent tell her, that the foul poles must be yellow. I told her that I have never heard of any such rule, but that I would check. I have read everywhere I can think of, but I cannot find anything on it. Does anyone know for sure if there is anything about this? I don't think there is, but not 100% for sure.
Neither ASA and NFHS rules even mention foul poles in the rule books. I'm pretty sure both often deal with fields that don't have many of the normal amenities. NCAA softball "recommends" that the foul pole be a a contrasting color to the background so that it will stand out, "preferably white, yellow, or optic yellow".

As a matter of logic, why would you want the foul pole to be a similar color to the ball? Wouldn't it make sense that a contrasting color to the ball, as well as the background, would make determining fair or foul easier?

I often think that when walking a field and seeing the effort and expense used to put a yellow piping on the top of the fences.
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