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Old Tue Jan 18, 2011, 03:19pm
Terrance "TJ" Terrance "TJ" is offline
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Posts: 62
Yes and No

Let me get a few things out of the way here before I put in my response. I am a certified paralegal, I am not a lawyer. I do know a bit about the legal process. I can only offer suggestions and nod/shake my head. SO, note, these are only suggestions available, not sound legal advice. And, for the record, civil tort was the worst part of my training for me. :|

I recall two terms being applicable to this, due diligence (in duty) and negligence. Both could be possibly used here when applied in a court room. And the biggest suggestion(s) I can offer has already been said; write it down!, talk to no one else about it esp. if the rumblings of a case are abound (unfortunate), and get some professional legal help/advice/representation.

Now, for my personal opinion. I see that if courts start keeping refs on the suit, then it will be harder and harder to recruit, maintain numbers, and get guys out on the hardwood.
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