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Old Tue Jan 18, 2011, 02:35pm
greymule greymule is offline
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"And for the 14 yo boy caught fooling around with a 13 yo girl? That is the problem with the stupid law. Morons enact crap without thinking and many fall in love with the politically influential "mandatory" effects of a law and all of a sudden you are committing children to an RSO for something completely absurd."

Absolutely right. "Mandatory" sentences were an overreaction to horror stories about soft judges handing out light sentences to obviously dangerous criminals. The result, however, is that some clown who "streaks" through a fraternity party gets labeled a sex offender for life, and a kindergartner who gives his cute classmate a peck on the cheek is sent to psychological counseling. Well, as Mr. Bumble observed, "The law is an a$$."

In the Wisconsin case, I would ask why a guy who raped and murdered a little girl was released after 13 years—or at all.
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