Originally Posted by jeffpea
"Coach, officiating is all about getting the correct angle. When you're in position to see the whole play, you'll get it right almost 100% of the time. When you're out of position...you're just guessing. Who do you think was in better position to see that play...you @ 60 ft away...or me @ 5ft?"
try that next time....OR...
"Coach did you see that play? (YES)...then you know it was a foul, you really can't complain about it, can you."
"Coach did you see that play? (Not Really)...then you really can't complain about it, can you?"
In real life you'll get this....
"Coach, did you see that play?"
"Yes, and you screwed it up completely."
And now you have to deal with that, one way or another.
If you really think that any coach is ever gonna admit that he didn't see a play he was whining about ("not really"), it's time to give up those pre-game funny cigarettes.