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Old Tue Jan 18, 2011, 12:05pm
greymule greymule is offline
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I don't see why this is necessarily a bad thing.

If I were to get in trouble for, say, tax evasion, should this have an impact on my ability to work as an auto mechanic, or even an umpire?

Tax evasion? I would probably say no, it should not affect your right to work as a mechanic or umpire. And I know some umpires who in their late teens/early twenties committed serious crimes (a couple did some time) but have for decades since been productive, law-abiding citizens. So I'd reserve judgment even for a guy who 30 years ago committed a holdup.

But a guy who rapes and murders a 9-year-old girl is different. Such a crime is not just a mistake, or bad judgment, or youthful stupidity. There's strong evidence to the effect that such people are never "cured." Government should not force anyone to hire such a person. And I'm not hiring him ever, under any circumstances, even to shovel s**t.
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