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Old Mon Jan 17, 2011, 03:31am
IowaBlue IowaBlue is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 19
I'm going to agree with Irish here.

1) It is impossible for a predator to do anything to a child in a large ballpark full of people.

2) Studies show that the most likely person to abuse a child is someone that they already know, like a close family member or a coach.

3) The background check is only going to red flag someone that has already been in trouble. There are still predators out there that will not be flagged by these checks.

4) This creates the problem of "false positive" results that has already been discussed in this thread. I have a fairly unique name, but would shudder if I was John Smith under this type of system.

5) I don't care how reputable the company or what the supposed protocol is for how the results are distributed, but I shudder to think of what could happen to my personal information in the hands of some faceless corporation or even in the chain of command of my local UICs.
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