Originally Posted by just another ref
I'd like to see a written definition of negligence in officiating a jr. hi or below basketball game.
A guy is speeding 100 mph and has a wreck. Is the cop who was on duty responsible?
It depends. Was the cop chasing them? Did the speeder pass in front of an officer who was monitoring traffic? Were other people involved in the accident? What types of and how many injuries were there? I mean, Barney Fife guarding the bank with his one bullet will not be held negligent for an accident with injuries on I - 95
There is a reason that police departments now have STRICT regulations regarding high speed chases. That is because they HAVE been found as contributory to accidents in these type of chases.
As far as JrHi or below level of basketball, what difference does that make? An officials responsibilities are the same whether it is a college game or an itty bitty league game