Here's a weird one.
I'm leading under backboard. Player's tense and squaking a bit in a very tight game - were watching closly but nothing real bad, gym very loud. Players really going all out. Great game.
My partner (new) looks over to the "far" bench and the coach is hand signalling to me he wants a technical foul called (kid grabbed made basket and bounced it hard - fumbled it a bit - I didn't act. It was all emotion not aggressive or demeaning) by showing me the very familiar hand signal I know as a "T". Partner see's it and grants him a ..... time-out. Players start trotting off the floor. Opp's, coach has none left. Tech on coach.
Coach starts going through "changes" right at the table. "I didn't want a timeout!!! I want you to call a technical".
We all saw the coach's hand signalal but heard nothing.
Explained to coach that the "T" signal from a coach is a timeout. Coming from a ref ... its a tech. "Don't confuse the two Coach". Honest mistake but it happened.
Is this correctable? Restart the game? It cost them the game - player sank both Tech FT's won by 2.
This year its the most impact we've had deciding a game. Asking comments.