Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Of course replacing a player who has fouled out is not always a pleasant situation for the parties involved. The NFHS requires horns and 25 and 30 seconds as opposed to the NCAA's 15 and 30. I instruct my timer's to sound the appropriate warning buzzer but only to nod his/her head when the 30 second time limit is reached.
The NFHS rulebook(R2-12-5) doesn't mention a warning signal at 25 seconds when replacing a disqualified player, only a horn at 30 seconds. Similarly,in the "instructions to timers" posted on the NFHS web site,only a single horn at 30 seconds is mentioned. Is your "25 second warning horn" one of those regional things,Mark,or is there actually a rules basis somewhere for it?
Hmmm...I had understood this to be a minor NCAA/NFHS difference as well. I would be interested in what Mark has to say...