Originally Posted by Terrance "TJ"
#6 seems to be this abstract idea. They learn a couple and generally think they know all the little nuances the game can present.
What's considered a negative comment? Disagreeing with a call or play? Then fans either won't come to this gym (if this is enforced) or a lot of fans will start being removed by game admin if they enforce this. Which to me is a bit over kill, why can't someone disagree with something on the court?
What's so wrong about stomping on the bleachers? I've never perceived it as negative at all.
Negative comments (examples): "my grandma plays better defense", my dog can coach better than you"
Negative comments basically that belittle the coach/player/team.
The stomping/pounding on the bleachers I am thinking was put in as a maintenance request.
Like I stated originally, I found this on the back of a HS Basketball Program.
OT (kinda): There's a local hockey team that has the rule that you can't bang on the glass.