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Old Tue Nov 07, 2000, 07:13pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Smile Re: select games

Well I am very picky. Ever since my second year, I have been very picky about where I work at and who I work for. I for the most part only do varsity, unless it is relatively close to my house. I will go just about anywhere for a varsity game unless there is something about the situation that makes it undesirable. I even do not do girls anymore (for the most part), and that just in itself cuts down on the schedule. Doing both boys and girls can be time consuming and it was just a matter of what I perfer.

Originally posted by Glenn Lampman
with 11 years experience you should grasp the opportunity to teach other officials, probably at the level you don't want to do anymore. Those lower levels pay game fees and deserve to have officials who want to be there. Maybe cutting back on your game total would renew your enthusiasm?Playing pick and choose with your assignor will not work to your advantage. Take the games you are given on the days you are available and work 100% at every level. Your effort will not go un-noticed!!
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