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Old Tue Jan 11, 2011, 09:50pm
hugheske44 hugheske44 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: MI
Posts: 33
How do you handle a threat?

I had my first threat tonight, after 6yrs doing this I dont know if thats good or bad. My question is how do I handle it, if at all? Backstory:

GV, close game til half time, home team comes out shoots some 3s and gets ahead by 20+. 4 Minutes to go in the 4th, home team girl is on the ground with the ball, visitor runs into her trying to get the ball, I call the foul. Another visiting player screams "How is that a foul" loudly enough for the entire gym to hear. I give her a T. All of a sudden some the crowd starts yelling. I dont listen to most of it, Im pretty good at that usually. Then I start hearing, "Do you want a speeding ticket in Taylor?" Which is a nearby city(not the city we were in). About 2 minutes to go, a man and woman are exiting the gym and walk along the endline where Im inbounding the ball and start telling me "You suck, worst ref I ever saw", etc. I gave eye contact but saw they were leaving so let the game continue. The woman stops at the door about 20ft away and continues to yell at me, asking me what Im going to do about it. I ignore again, game ends. She is still at the door yelling at me, I head to the door on the other side of the gym, ignoring her.

I tell game management while we are walking to the officials room that I had a woman threaten me, he just said "oh really". So we go to change and my partner wants to leave. I tell him the woman is probably waiting for me. He tells me its okay we will walk out together. So I agree and sure enough shes there. As Im walking by her I do not make eye contact, she asks me what my name is. My partner steps between us and Im not sure what he said, but I kept walking. She yells to me "Dont worry, Ill find out".

Im sure the coach will have no problem giving out my name, hes not a fan of me. Hes not a fan of any refs. My worry is they will somehow get my name and being a police officer he may be able to get my information on where I live. I am hoping cooler heads prevail, but Im wondering if I should be proactive on this?

Please do not flame me. I am coming here for help on what to do better next time and what my next steps should be. Thanks in advance~
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