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Old Tue Jan 11, 2011, 01:44am
deecee deecee is offline
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Originally Posted by tref View Post
Coaches teach... officials enforce rules.
talk about a more asinine and generic comment if ever. if you really think that this is an exclusive philosophy to the game and that only the coach's teach then you either don't know whats going on or simply want to make a generic statement that has very little weight.

I would say in a majority of games i either teach coaches or players a thing or on the rare occasion 2 when it comes to the rules. there are many games where coaches and players teach me things. the whole game is one cycle of inefficiencies where each group (coaches, players and officials) are trying to improve on past performances. To state "coaches teach...officals enforce rules" is a simple near sighted approach to officiating that i would suggest you re-evaluate.
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