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Old Mon Jan 10, 2011, 08:03pm
rulesmaven rulesmaven is offline
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Originally Posted by Robert Goodman View Post
If they have, they sure haven't done it well.
That's not the rule. The actual text of the rule follows. To answer the question whether the chance to have had the ball but for a non-enforced penalty is the "opportunity to possess," it is not. According to the rule, "[t]he opportunity to possess applies only during kicking plays." Otherwise, you default to definition of "possession," which is "firm grip and control." An an unenforced penalty that could have given you possession, you never had actual possession and it wasn't a kicking play -- although I guess one could manage a hypothetical in which the penalty enforcement issue arose on a punt. Otherwise, I think the ARs are pretty good at covering all the bases. Anyway, here's the text of Rule 16, Sec. 1, Art. 4:

Article 4 For postseason games, following a coin flip (Article 2 above) and an intermission
of no more than three minutes after the end of the regular game, the following shall
(a) Both teams must have the opportunity to possess the ball once during the extra period,
unless the team that receives the opening kickoff (Team B) scores a touchdown
on its initial possession, in which case it is the winner, or Team A scores a
safety on Team B’s initial possession, in which case Team A is the winner.
(b) If the team that possesses the ball first scores a field goal on its initial possession,
the other team (Team A) shall have the opportunity to possess the ball. If Team A
scores a touchdown on its possession, it is the winner. If the score is tied after Team
A’s possession, the team next scoring by any method shall be the winner.
(c) If the score is tied at the end of a 15-minute overtime period, or if Team B’s initial
possession has not ended, another overtime period will begin, and play will con -
tinue, regardless of how many 15-minute periods are necessary.
(d) Between each overtime period, there shall be a two-minute intermission, but there
shall be no halftime intermission after the second period. At the beginning of the
third overtime period, the captain who lost the coin toss prior to the first overtime
period shall have the first choice of the two privileges in Rule 4, Section 2, Article 2,
unless the team that won the coin toss deferred.
(e) At the end of the first and third extra periods, etc., teams must change goals in accordance
with Rule 4, Section 2, Article 3.
(f) A player is in possession when he is in firm grip and control of the ball inbounds
(3-2-7). The defense gains possession when it catches, intercepts, or recovers a
loose ball.
(g) The opportunity to possess applies only during kicking plays. A kickoff is the opportunity
to possess for the receiving team. If the kicking team legally recovers the
kick, the receiving team is considered to have had its opportunity. A punt or field
goal that crosses the line of scrimmage and is muffed by the receiving team is considered
to be an opportunity to possess for the receiving team. Normal touching
rules by the kicking team apply.
(h) Each team is entitled to three timeouts during a half. If there is an excess timeout
the usual rules shall apply (4-5).
(i) At the end of a second overtime period, timing rules shall apply as at the end of the
first half. At the end of a fourth overtime period, timing rules shall apply as at the end
of the fourth quarter.
(j) All replay reviews will be initiated by the replay assistant. Coaches’ challenges will
not be allowed.
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