Originally Posted by rj
I recently worked a woman's fast-pitch softball game with two very veteran umpires and got two very different mechanics. Who's right?
As the Base Umpire in a two-man system with runners on 2nd & 3rd, I'm in position 'D'. I was told that if there's a throw from the catcher to the 3rd baseman in an attempt to pick-off R1; (1) I should take a few steps in toward the infield to get the 90 degree angle to the base; or (2) I should move parallel to the base path to get as close to the left field line as possible to see the throw coming up the line.
Who's right?
So far, you have gotten two decent responses. Playing off of them, the first thing I would suggest is now that you have been told 90 degrees, put it in the back of your head and forget about it.Steve is a little more detail. Stepping up for F6 and over for F5 coverage is pretty much common, but don't sit on those. I would add, forget about having a preconceived idea of exactly where you need to end up, the play will take you to that point. You need to be prepared to adjust as the fielder may shift to accommodate the location of the throw.