Originally posted by Ralph Stubenthal
I appreciate your answer but you expounded on everything except the question I asked about. When a player jumps into the air with 1 foot out of bounds and catches the ball, he is OOB. With that in mind, I fail to understand why the player who jumps to catch a pass with a foot in front and the other in back court has backcourt status. Please explain, thAnks, Ralph.
It's the same reason that your first player was OOB.
If a player is straddling the sideline, one foot OOB and one foot inbounds, he is OOB.
Likewise, if a player is straddling the division line, one foot in the FC and one foot in the BC, he is in the BC.
As Dan said, both feet must be inbounds for the player to be inbounds and both feet must be in the FC for the player to be in the FC.
Read 4-35-2. This rule encompasses everything we're talking about here.
[Edited by BktBallRef on Nov 7th, 2000 at 09:33 AM]