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Old Tue Jan 04, 2011, 12:02pm
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Originally Posted by doubleringer View Post
Couldn't agree more. It's just another foul. I think we all put ourselves and fellow officials in a bad spot when we don't address sportsmanship when warranted. Here in Iowa we have a adaptation to the coach's box and I'm NOT a fan. They can only stand during dead clock periods and only in front of their seat. It takes away opportunities for the coaches to coach their players and us to communicate in appropriate ways with coaches. In my opinion, this rule came about because too many officials were letting coaches be demonstrative and out of line.
Interesting. If you're right, it was only happening on the girls side, because the rule as you state is more lenient than it was for boys when I was there. Girls had the coaching box, boys didn't. They have the same rule now, right?
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