Originally posted by Ralph Stubenthal
A1 throws the ball from backcourt to A2. A2 is standing with 1 foot in front and 1 foot in back court. He jumps to catch the ball and lands in backcourt. Violation or not? Did he have front or back court status when he jumped and caught the ball?
If he was straddling the line, he's in the BC. Let's say A2 was standing in the FC, jumped, caught the ball, and then landed in the BC. This is a BC violation. Why? Because A2 was in the FC when he caught the ball. It doesn't matter that his ffet weren't touching the floor. In basketball, you are were you left the floor when you're airborne.
If the pass had been a throw-in, it wouldn't have mattered because 9-9 Exception 1 would apply. The ball would still have attained FC status when A2 caught it, but the exception allows him to land in the BC on a throw-in.
To expound on the "three points," it's an area that a lot of officials get confused about. Just remember that the rule is referring to dribbling the ball from the BC to the FC. When the ball is passed into the FC, FC status has been attained as soon as the ball hits the floor, a player, an official or the backboard or rim in the FC.
I hope that helps.