Originally Posted by ranjo
This situation occured during a GV Christmas tournament tonight.
To start the second half, the referee of the two person crew blew his whistle, handed the ball to A1 at the division line. The ball was inbounded to A2 who dribbled toward her own goal, attemped a shot, and was fouled in the process. The calling official then looked up at the clock and notices it is still counting down from 10 seconds remaining in the halftime break.
When I first read this, I took it to mean that she went the wrong way. Then I read the definition of a shot, and it says an attempt at a team's own goal.
Let's say, hypothetically, that A1 took the ball and ran the wrong way in this situation. B1, also confused, follows A1 to the basket and fouls her, thinking she's supposed to be defending that particular basket.
Would I be correct in ruling that since A1 shot at the wrong basket, it's not a try, therefore the foul would result in a designated spot throw in for A (assuming A1 misses the shot)?
The aforementioned timing issues don't apply to my hypothetical.