Originally Posted by RichMSN
I just don't think it would be good for my partner or the coach if he was on the game. What if my partner would had to assess the second T at some point? It's just a situation officials shouldn't be in.
I have worked some lower level games at the school where I teach. This usually has happened as a last second or emergent situation. AD will come into classroom and see if I was open that night. However - I would NEVER consider a varsity contest with the school I work at. Nothing good could come of it.
I was once assigned a tournament game with my school even after I had listed that school as one I should not work with the state. I called them and thanked them for the assignment but told them I would not work the game and the reason why. After they yelled at me for "not putting that on my form" they told me I would have to just decline the game. I did. 20 minutes later they called back, admitted their error, not mine, and reassigned me to a different site. They thanked me for my "professional integrity".
Good job to you and your partners for making this switch!!