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Old Wed Dec 29, 2010, 09:40am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
This is the key to this whole thread. I have worn a belt for 20 something seasons and nobody seems to care. The only time I ever heard pants mentioned at an association meeting, the assignor said something like, "Look professional out there guys. Get some slacks. Don't go out there in wind pants." I assumed this meant that somebody had worn wind pants at some point
Just keep in mind it appears that your area is unusual that way based on this site and based on some experiences of others including myself. Or could it be that no one says anything to you directly, but they say things around you about this issue (or others)? I know the only time I mention this is during trainings with newer officials so they know what is expected of them. Other than that no one needs to mention it because when someone wears belted pants, it is stands out big time. And no one necessarily goes up to that person and points it out. But when you have belted pants I look at that like I look at those that do not apply certain mechanics. No different than I look at a guy that goes to a varsity game in jeans, but that is me.

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