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Old Mon Nov 06, 2000, 05:50pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Exclamation Taking assignments

I must totally disagree with this one. You should never take a assignment that you do not feel you can do, for any reason. You might have a job obligation, or a family obligation. Both of those situations are much more important than doing a game of any kind. If you have a game, it is usually up to the assignor if he wants to bump you off. And some will allow you to find a replacement depending on what level. If you cannot do the game, you cannot do the game. They will respect you more for turning it down than accepting it and giving it back.

Originally posted by hoopsrefBC
The one suggestion i can give is never turn down an assignment if you are asked to do it.

on the other hand being unavailabe certain days and letting your assigner know of that ahead of time will allow for them and you to schedule your games better. also speak to your allocator / educator on what level you should be and want to and do want to be doing.

The worst thing that can happen is that you get type casted as an official who complains about what level of game they are doing.

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