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Old Thu Dec 23, 2010, 09:35pm
Scratch85 Scratch85 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
Yup, and we do penalize them as separate acts. But nowhere in any rule that I know of does it state that different substitution rules should be applied in any false double foul. You use one of the ones listed in 3-3-1, not 2.
Why use one when you have two separate acts. Apply the substitution rules that apply to each act. It just makes sense to me. But my senses have been questioned many times before.

I don't have anybody marked to "ignore" and never have as long as I've posted here, Scratch. If I disagree with somebody, the kinder, gentler JR will just politely tell them so. And verse-visa.
Believe me I know. I hate to do the "agree to disagree" thing, but I am not sure how much longer I can discuss this irrelevant (as JRut calls it) issue. Merry Christmas to all who are reading and I wish all of you best of times to come.
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